posted by Mischa from Varel, Germany · June 11 2014 · 5 comments ·

In June, we have a guest on our SAILOR MOON: My aunt Regina visits us for two days. She was never in Varel until now, and we really enjoy showing her around. Regina has never slept on a boat before, and after she climbs up the ladder for the first time and sees her berth, she becomes really quiet. But then she settles in on our boat really well and sleeps soundly from the first night onwards. During the day Jaqueline and I work on our furniture while Regina explores the city, and in the evenings we show her the harbour and the restaurants. After two days her adventure trip is over and she flies back to Austria, leaving behind a new entry in our guestbook.

Auch das kleinste Pub Deutschlands hat mal offen

Finally the smallest pub in Germany is open

Regina genießt Sonne, Wein und Fischbuffet

Regina enjoying sun, wine and fish

The next day, new guests arrive: My brother Ma quickly drove the 110 km from Vienna to Varel, this time together with his girlfriend Vicky and our brother Martin. They don’t explore much but work a lot, which is a big help for us. Ma works on our electric wiring, Martin saws wood and vicky paints our ceiling.In the evenings we have several barbecues, sometimes in the yard, sometimes together with other sailors. Of course we also eat a lot of fish (thank you M+W!).

Der Martin crimpt

Martin crimps

Die letze Decke wird montiert

Assembling the last parts of the ceiling

Grillen im Hof

Barbecue in the shipyard

Fast wie Urlaub

Just like vacation

Die Heißluftpistole hats leider nicht überlebt

Die Heißluftpistole hats leider nicht überlebt

Fischbrötchen und Spezialpommes, ein Klassiker bei Fisch Wilters

Fischbrötchen at Fisch Wilters

Thanks to our help we accomplish a lot and we are confident that we will finish in June. Tomorrow our gas system will get checked, so maybe we will be able to use our oven soon – Jaqueline bought already a cake pan.

Jaqueline unterwegs nach Wilhelmshaven

Jaqueline on the road to Wilhelmshaven

We still are fine, we are already friends with a lot of the other sailors of Varel and we get a lot of advice. Jaqueline really did a great job, she already is a master at her jig saw and I’m really proud of her and her stamina. Nevertheless we are looking forward to our departure, we don’t want to live in the shipyard forever. Soon we want to put our boat back into the water, because next week we are expecting new guests – this time Jaqueline’s family, who will bring a lot of our stuff which needs to be stored somewhere.


  1. Schad, dass man die Grillzange nirgends sieht 😉
    Wann wird gekrant?

    • Naja, Heino is leider krank, und sonst kann/darf keiner den Kran bedienen, also mal schaun….soweit fertig wären wir!

  2. Liebe Jaqui, Lieber Mischa..

    wünschn eich ollas guade zum 1 Hozattog!!!!!;) is echt org das des scho 1 joa her is,de zeit vergeht, wir wean oit;) hoffn das eich guad geht.. bei usn is a ois paletti..
    wünsch eich nau an schen sunnda..hoff ma heat wida amui wos vo eing..
    bussis fa eisnstodt

    • Hi Nina, hi Daniel!!
      Danke fia die Glickwinsche!!! Jo des stimmt, die Zeit vageht echt vui schnö. Hom uns heit is Hozatvideo ogschaut.. Wön des ois a Tradition mochn, is echt kuhl 😉
      Danke, uns gehts guad hom heit nix gmocht außer genossen. Des is sche, dass eich a guad geht. Werd demnächst wieda moi bloggen, dass ned nur da Mischa schreibt 🙂
      Danke nomoi fian Eintrog + die Glickwinsche
      bussis fa varel
      Jaqueline & Mischa

  3. Jürgen & Sonja

    Hallo ihr beiden, seids schon in Frankreich oder wo.
    Hoffe euch geht’s gut.
    Mit einem schönen Gruß aus der Eifel
    sonja & Jürgen

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