posted by Mischa from Varel, Germany · May 29 2014 · 6 comments ·

On Monday the preparations for VAREL AT NIGHT/VAREL AT DAY start. Altough our boat was moved to another location, we are still in the middle of the action:

Mit dem Schiff auf die Party

With the boat to the party

With two kinds of music from both sides, we do not expect to sleep much, and plan to take a break from working on thursday.

Setting up the equipment for the party seems to be a rather relaxed job, it looks more like a bunch of friends preparing a birthday party than a professional event for 3000 guests. We (that means Jaqueline) talk with the organizers, and after their surprise about us living on the boat settles, we even recieve free tickets.

Eintrittskarte für das eigene Zuhause

Tickets to get to our home

At 9 pm the party starts, but there are only a few people in the yard, so we stay aboard, play some Mastermind and drink some Gin Tonics. At 1 am we carefully open the door, climb over the counter in front of it and celebrate with the crowd. Techno is not really our kind of music, so we mostly stay at the RnB floor, where Jaqueline dances and I do not really fit in with my beanie. Afterwards we sit at Giselas Fischbrötchenstand, chat a little and listen to “Thank you for the Music” by ABBA, the last song of DJane Funky Diva. At half hast five am we fall asleep, but just for a couple of hours, because at 10 in the morning the Vatertagsfrühschoppen starts, now with DJ Kerli…

Unsere Bar...Cocktailgläser haben wir leider keine

Our bar

For us and the other guests it was a fun night, and we are astonished about the discipline of the visitors. There is a lot of drinking, but nobody is complaining about the queue in front of the 50-cent-toilets, and after a little bit of sweeping, the shipyard looks exactly as it did before. The organizers where not that happy though, because not as many people as expected attended the party, probably due to the cold weather.

Apart from celebrating we also work, and now we have light on board! The first two LEDs are mounted and connected, the toilet is nearly ready, and also the aft cabin is nearly finished. We are still fine, our motivation is chaning a little, but an end is in sight. Tomorrow we plan to bike to Wilhelmshaven, on the weekend we will continue with our work.

Licht montieren im aufgeräumten Schiff

Mounting the lights

Es leuchtet!

It works!

Da wars noch warm...Ausflug zur Schleuse

Still warm…trip to the Varel lock


  1. Liebes Ehepaar!

    Find ich wieder einmal toll von euch, wie ihr euch an die Gegebenheiten anpasst und einfach mitfeiert!
    Euer “aufgeräumtes” Schiff find ich auch toll, so richtig zum Wohlfühlen 😉 !

    Sollen wir dem Ma und der Vicky Cocktailgläser mitgeben, damit ihr den Gin nicht mehr aus der Flasche trinken müsst?

    Michi , du siehst mit Bart schon wie ein richtiger Seemann aus, Jaqueline, du scheinst dich über die Freikarten so richtig gefreut zu haben!

    Grüße und Bussis

  2. habts eh den richtigen tonic erwischt? 😉

  3. Michi (Schindi)

    Liebe Jaqui, Lieber Mixxe,
    eure Einträge verkürzen mir die letzten 15 Arbeitstage in der OeKB ungemein (ich arbeite natürlich noch mit Hochdruck für meine tolle Firma^^). Lol Gin Tonic mit Bitter Lemmon? Echt cool, dass ihr beim Meisterschaftsfinale wart. Hab euch im Fernsehen zwar leider nicht gesehen aber wie wars???
    Hoffe euch gehts gut. GLG Michi

    • Der Schindi!!!
      Najo, ich selber war ja leider nicht beim Match, aber den 2 Schwagern und dem Schwiegervater hats taugt 🙂 Muss ich dir irgendwann mal genauer berichten!
      Sonst gehts uns top, hoff bei dir haut auch alles hin!

      Danke + Lg

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