posted by Mischa from Varel, Germany · May 21 2014 · 2 comments ·

Friday to Monday we spend in Barcelona to meet with Jaqueline’s family and to celebrate Marc’s 30th birthday together. For us, the timing of the trip is perfect, because we are able to get some distance from our shipyard life and to take a small break from our work. Also we enjoy doing something outside the shipyard, and of course Jaqueline is very happy to spend time with her family again.

Selfie am Strand

Selfie at the beach

Fast wie die Nordsee!

Nearly like the North Sea!

On Friday, the day of our departure, the weather is really great in Varel for the second time since we are here. We take the train to Hamburg and then fly via Paris to Barcelona, where we arrive at half past midnight. Routinely we do not use the bed (what is that by the way) but sleep on the sofa. We learn that the reason for this trip – the match between Barcelona and Atletico – was moved from Sunday to Saturday and we won’t get our tickets because they were sold again for a much higher price. We are disappointed but go to the stadium anyway, where we manage to buy three affordable tickets. The new seats are not next to each other and at the other side of the stadium, which leads to funny things like celebrating with the away fans in a sweatshirt, but we can watch the match live – unfortunately Atletico wins the championship.
Rolltreppe mitten in der Stadt

Escalator in the middle of the city to Parc Güell


Sangria, Mojitos and Fanta



Apart from the match we enjoy the city, paella, the beach, and celebrate Marc’s birthday. After three funny and eventful days we are already back on our way to the north. In the evening we arrive and go to sleep immediately. On Tuesday we are a little lazy and enjoy the still warm weather. But today, on Wednesday, we are really busy again and start to rebuild the toilet.



  1. Hallo ihr beiden super Fotos vom Barcelona Trip.Danke Echt guter und treffender Kommentar
    Hoffe ihr buddelt nicht zu viel. Habe die letzten beiden Tage auch bis spät Abends unsere Kartoffeln am
    Acker kultiviert(mit der Haue)20h30 bzw. 20h45.Schönen Abend noch liebe Grüsse von mir Mama, und Kai Ciao!

  2. Hi Pauzi-Bär 😀 !
    Wenn da Marc wieda moi untn is, sui er uns bitte a eichre Fotos gem, wast eh des Gruppenfoto vor da Sagrada familia, is sicher super!
    Mitn Heil oder mit da Haue 😉
    Nana, wir mochn eh längere Mittagspausn, owa du pass auf, dasst ned zvü oawatst! Owa nexte Wochn is eh a kurze Wochn mitn Feiertog, oder? Na i bin gsponnt, ob de Krumpian wos wean. Muasst ma a Foto zuakema lossn fa die Prachtexemplare.
    Donk sche, gonz liawe Grias zruck – vom Mischa natürlich a!

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