Thanks to…

A lot of people helped us with our preparations and also during our trip. Their support made it possible for us to really set out on this voyage with SAILOR MOON in the first place. Particularly, we want to mention

  • our families, who support us in countless hours of boat repairs, preparations, other work, and of course financially,
  • Schmalzi for his help with our first “trip” from Nordenham to Varel,
  • Dr. Susanne and Dr. Michael Zeiner for their competent medical advice,
  • Gisela, Heino, Benjamin and all the others who helped us with our repairs and made our extensive stays in Varel nearly feel like holidays,
  • the members of the WSV Varel yacht club, who provided us with a safe winter berth and looked after SAILOR MOON during our trips to Austria,
  • Christian of WOLFsails, provided us with tips and material for our sail repairs,
  • Dr. Glatz, who patiently answered our unusual questions regarding the cleaning of contact lenses,
  • Mrs. Ganster of Stieglmayer Gebäuderverwaltung for her cooperation while moving out of our old flat,
  • and of course all the others who are not mentioned here, but made it possible for us to be finally on our way.
  • Thank you!


  1. Roland Bittner

    Hallo ihr zwei,
    Danke für die letzten, 1,5 Stunden. Habe mit Freude und Spannung euren Bericht verfolgt. Ich halte euch die Daumen für euren Longtoern. Falls ihr mal in die Nähe des Schlosses Neuschwanstein kommt meldet euch. Andernfalls treffender uns vielleicht mal aufgemacht Wasser, euer Boot kenne ich ja jetzt. Ihr seit zwei sehr sympathische Menschen.
    Viel Glück und guten Wind,

  2. Fredy Wingeier

    Tolle Homepage mit super Infos. Geniesst eure gemeinsame Zeit mit vielen herrlichen Zielen..Ich selber bin oft binnen auf dem Neuenburgersee unterwegs und lese sehr gerne solche Seiten wie die eure..Danke und alles Gute..liebe Grüsse

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